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Tutorial: Reducing Background Noise and Removing Pops and Clicks in Final Cut Pro X

Background noise and pops and clicks in audio are an unfortunate fact of life for many productions. In this tutorial we'll explore some fixes you can try in Final Cut Pro X.

Background noise and pops and clicks in audio are an unfortunate fact of life for many productions. In this tutorial we'll explore some fixes you can try in Final Cut Pro X.

上面的视频是我正在制作的一个片段, 这里有几个问题你可以马上看到 图1(下面). 第一,浓度太低了. 音频峰值应该朝向波形的顶部. 2号, if you play the audio file (begin at 0:40 in the clip 上图) you'll hear two big pops in the audio track of the clip shown in 图1.

Final Cut Pro X
图1. 我们将在教程中使用的低音量剪辑

我们从提高音量开始, and when we do that we're going to increase some background noise that we'll want to minimize. After we've accomplished both those tasks, we'll remove the pops and the clicks.


There are a couple of different audio controls you can use to boost the volume. To begin, click the clip in the timeline and open the Inspector window. 在那里你可以选择视频、音频或信息选项卡. Choose Audio to see FCP X's Volume and Pan settings and Audio Enhancements (下面的图2).

Final Cut Pro X
图2. FCP X音频检查器

I already analyzed the clip during import and FCP X detected no problems with the audio (as indicated by the green checkmark next to Audio Analysis in 图2, 上图), 这样我们就可以进入音频增强了.

单击“未检测到问题”右侧的白色圈箭头," and FCP X will open the Audio Enhancements panel with Loudness controls, 背景噪音去除, 消除嗡嗡声, 如图所示 图3(下面).

Final Cut Pro X
图3. 音频增强面板

But the first thing you should do before you start any audio editing is to break the audio and the video portions of the clip apart. To do so, click the clip and choose Clip > Break Apart Clip Items (下面的图4). Now you can apply your audio edits and rest assured that nothing you do to the audio file is going to affect the video file.

Apple Final Cut Pro X
图4. 断开剪辑中的音频和视频链接

有几种不同的方法来调节音量. 你可以在音频增强中调整响度参数, 或者您可以使用波形本身的音量控制(下面的图5).

Apple Final Cut Pro X
图5. 直接在波形中调整音频音量

Loudness includes a component of compression-not streaming compression, but the kind of compression that makes the voice sound beefier and more testosterone-filled like the voiceovers on Saturday morning car advertisements. 但这段视频中接受采访的医生不需要这些. 他的声音很独特, so we're not going to use the Loudness control in the Audio Enhancements panel; we'll use the volume control on the waveform.

如果你看一下波形 图6 随着体积的增大(下图), 你可以看到,如果我把音量拉近顶部, 我们开始看到红色和黄色的峰. 不要碰到红色的部分,因为那样会造成剪切. 如果我们把它降到8db, 我们仍然有黄色的峰, 这样就有足够的容量了, and but we've eliminated the clipping peaks in the red except for the click that we're going to cut out in a moment.

Apple Final Cut Pro X
图6. Dragging the volume too high causes clipping, indicated by red peaks.

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